
Showing posts from 2024

from Fr Bogdan

Sisters and Brothers Going home to visit our hometown where we grew up is always exciting. It is great to meet family and friends we didn’t see for some years. Maybe even we can see some neighbours or colleagues from primary school? Visiting our places we want to tell the family and the friends where we’ve been, what we’ve seen. We are happy to share with them our experience and our knowledge. We would be happy to help them as much as we can. When Jesus visited Nazareth, he had the same idea. He wanted to talk to his friends, to share his experience and help as much as he could. But Jesus was not welcome, not many were happy to see him. Instead, people from his town didn’t want to listen to his teaching. They were suspicious and disbelieved. After all, Jesus was just one of them. It was a difficult moment for Jesus when he felt disrespected and ridiculed. He wanted to help but he was ignored. But that situation didn’t change his heart; Jesus came with love to Nazareth and never stopped

Parish Pastoral Plan

Parish Pastoral Plan (revisited) It has been some time, that for various reasons, that we have not had an update to the Parish Pastoral Plan (PPP). Before we know it, Spring will be upon us, and we will be entering our second year asking what have we done so far? A fair question. The Parish Council would now like to invite everyone in the Parish to help us as a Parish to grow, be healthy and serve our community. A copy of the Pastoral Plan is on the notice board in the Narthex and there is a copy on our new website . Many thanks to Hans Van Schie for all his work on this. We would ask if everyone could stop for a minute and refresh our memories as to what is included in it. The Plan is simple. It has 5 pillars and each of these addresses aspects of the Parish's daily life. However, none of these will be successful without the sterling work of our Volunteers; many of whom have been doing it for some years. It would be nice if we could increase their ranks. There ar

High Tea in the Narthex - Save the date - 10th August 2024


Thank You to Our Volunteers

  Volunteer your time and talents for our Parish. 


Bishop Anthony Randazzo will confer Confirmation on the baptised children of our parish aged 8 years and above, on Sunday 18th August at 11.00am Mass at Holy Spirit Church.  Online Confirmation registrations are currently open, please go to the Sacraments page (  Sacramental Program 2024-2025 ) on the parish website for all Confirmation information and the registration link at Classes begin on 21st July, and continue on 28th, 4th, 11th August,  Confirmation practise Wednesday 14th August. For all sacramental enquiries please contact the sacramental team at

Baptism Preparation

Please keep in your prayers the following families who are preparing for Baptism – the Ungsupraspert family, the Aguirre-Acevedo family, the Death family, the Pengilley family, the Derewlawny family, the Holt family and the Tunningley

Poland Pilgrimage Meeting

  ON THE TRAIL OF POLISH SAINTS PILGRIMAGE Our next Poland trip meeting will be held on Sunday 7 July in the church after 9am Mass.  All those who have booked to go on the Poland trip please come along to this meeting. 

Planned Giving Weekly Envelopes

Weekly envelopes and Ministry rosters are now available for pick-up in the Narthex. If you are new to the Parish and would like to participate in weekly giving, please contact the parish office.

Your Feedback is and will Always be Appreciated.

Need help with our new website ? Were you able to open your digital Bulletin? Or have any question or ideas? Contact the parish office or send us your thoughts and questions to .